Interview Preparation
Preparing for an interview may seem daunting, but once you compartmentalize it into digestible pieces, preparation is simple:
1) Research the company you are going into. This is CRITICAL. What do they do, who are their competitors, are there any press releases out there outlining key changes in the business? KNOW YOUR STUFF. Interviewers like to know you've done your homework, so show them!
2) Take a look at who you'll be meeting with; search them on LinkedIn, find their online bios from the company website, or get creative with social media. The goal is to find a common denominator so you can built rapport with your interviewer. Finding something relatable breaks the ice and gets you off to a good start.
3) Prepare thoughtful and strategic questions for your interviewers. Questions beyond the basic, ones that show you've done your research and are coming to the table prepared.
4) Appearance: know your audience. You don't want to show up to an interview with a startup dressed like an investment banker and vice versa. The "look" should always be professional and neatly groomed, whether you're wearing a sport-coat and jeans or a tailored suit.